The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in Canadian history. Host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm along with her charismatic personality and flair for style – making her a perfect fit for Canada’s top source for the latest in home decor, food, entertaining, fashion, health and beauty.
Cityline engages, entertains and informs viewers across Canada with its unique format and daily themed approach. As familiar and trusted guest experts visit the set, viewers are treated to professional tips covering such topics as décor, entertaining, fashion, beauty, home and gardening.
For full articles, recipes, blogs and more, visit You'll find more videos, features, blogs, recipes and tips on all the subjects you love: From Food & Entertaining and Home & Garden, to Health & Family and Fashion & Beauty.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Cityline. You can also follow Tracy @thetracymoore.
Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in Canadian history. Host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm along with her charismatic personality and flair for style – making her a perfect fit for Canada’s top source for the latest in home decor, food, entertaining, fashion, health and beauty.
Cityline engages, entertains and informs viewers across Canada with its unique format and daily themed approach. As familiar and trusted guest experts visit the set, viewers are treated to professional tips covering such topics as décor, entertaining, fashion, beauty, home and gardening.
For full articles, recipes, blogs and more, visit You'll find more videos, features, blogs, recipes and tips on all the subjects you love: From Food & Entertaining and Home & Garden, to Health & Family and Fashion & Beauty.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Cityline. You can also follow Tracy @thetracymoore.
Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in Canadian history. Host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm along with her charismatic personality and flair for style – making her a perfect fit for Canada’s top source for the latest in home decor, food, entertaining, fashion, health and beauty.
Cityline engages, entertains and informs viewers across Canada with its unique format and daily themed approach. As familiar and trusted guest experts visit the set, viewers are treated to professional tips covering such topics as décor, entertaining, fashion, beauty, home and gardening.
For full articles, recipes, blogs and more, visit You'll find more videos, features, blogs, recipes and tips on all the subjects you love: From Food & Entertaining and Home & Garden, to Health & Family and Fashion & Beauty.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Cityline. You can also follow Tracy @thetracymoore.
Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in Canadian history. Host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm along with her charismatic personality and flair for style – making her a perfect fit for Canada’s top source for the latest in home decor, food, entertaining, fashion, health and beauty.
Cityline engages, entertains and informs viewers across Canada with its unique format and daily themed approach. As familiar and trusted guest experts visit the set, viewers are treated to professional tips covering such topics as décor, entertaining, fashion, beauty, home and gardening.
For full articles, recipes, blogs and more, visit You'll find more videos, features, blogs, recipes and tips on all the subjects you love: From Food & Entertaining and Home & Garden, to Health & Family and Fashion & Beauty.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Cityline. You can also follow Tracy @thetracymoore.
Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in Canadian history. Host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm along with her charismatic personality and flair for style – making her a perfect fit for Canada’s top source for the latest in home decor, food, entertaining, fashion, health and beauty.
Cityline engages, entertains and informs viewers across Canada with its unique format and daily themed approach. As familiar and trusted guest experts visit the set, viewers are treated to professional tips covering such topics as décor, entertaining, fashion, beauty, home and gardening.
For full articles, recipes, blogs and more, visit You'll find more videos, features, blogs, recipes and tips on all the subjects you love: From Food & Entertaining and Home & Garden, to Health & Family and Fashion & Beauty.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Cityline. You can also follow Tracy @thetracymoore.
Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in Canadian history. Host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm along with her charismatic personality and flair for style – making her a perfect fit for Canada’s top source for the latest in home decor, food, entertaining, fashion, health and beauty.
Cityline engages, entertains and informs viewers across Canada with its unique format and daily themed approach. As familiar and trusted guest experts visit the set, viewers are treated to professional tips covering such topics as décor, entertaining, fashion, beauty, home and gardening.
For full articles, recipes, blogs and more, visit You'll find more videos, features, blogs, recipes and tips on all the subjects you love: From Food & Entertaining and Home & Garden, to Health & Family and Fashion & Beauty.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Cityline. You can also follow Tracy @thetracymoore.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
Keith Beasley is moose hunting with his rifle in Newfoundland with `A1 Hunts Twin Lakes´. He has some incredible close encounters with some great bulls.
Keith Beasley is moose hunting with his rifle in Newfoundland with `A1 Hunts Twin Lakes´. He has some incredible close encounters with some great bulls.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Threatened by a doctor's kindness toward Tammy, Mark tries to get her an exotic animal, only to have his face ripped off by the newly purchased chimpanzee.
Threatened by a doctor's kindness toward Tammy, Mark tries to get her an exotic animal, only to have his face ripped off by the newly purchased chimpanzee.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Twin daughters find their mother stabbed to death in their quaint suburban home, and the pressure for detectives to deliver justice is on. But when the shocking truth behind the murder comes out, the
Twin daughters find their mother stabbed to death in their quaint suburban home, and the pressure for detectives to deliver justice is on. But when the shocking truth behind the murder comes out, the
A retired Delta employee is found stabbed dozens of times in her picturesque suburban home, stunning the Atlanta area. As detectives search for clues, they discover a note the victim left just before
A retired Delta employee is found stabbed dozens of times in her picturesque suburban home, stunning the Atlanta area. As detectives search for clues, they discover a note the victim left just before
After a 23-year-old suburban Atlanta mother is shot and left for dead in front of her infant daughter, investigators unravel a complicated scheme involving someone close to the victim, shocking the Po
After a 23-year-old suburban Atlanta mother is shot and left for dead in front of her infant daughter, investigators unravel a complicated scheme involving someone close to the victim, shocking the Po
When world champion boxer Vernon Forrest is gunned down in cold blood, all hands are on deck to bring justice for the fallen Atlanta icon. APD detectives must figure out if this shooting was random or
When world champion boxer Vernon Forrest is gunned down in cold blood, all hands are on deck to bring justice for the fallen Atlanta icon. APD detectives must figure out if this shooting was random or
After a 23-year-old suburban Atlanta mother is shot and left for dead in front of her infant daughter, investigators unravel a complicated scheme involving someone close to the victim, shocking the Po
After a 23-year-old suburban Atlanta mother is shot and left for dead in front of her infant daughter, investigators unravel a complicated scheme involving someone close to the victim, shocking the Po
When world champion boxer Vernon Forrest is gunned down in cold blood, all hands are on deck to bring justice for the fallen Atlanta icon. APD detectives must figure out if this shooting was random or
When world champion boxer Vernon Forrest is gunned down in cold blood, all hands are on deck to bring justice for the fallen Atlanta icon. APD detectives must figure out if this shooting was random or
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
The original “The Twilight Zone” premiered on Oct. 2, 1959. The series took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. “The Twilight Zone” became a worldwide phenomenon as it used socially conscious storytelling to explore the human condition and culture of the times. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years, from 1959 to 1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in Canadian history. Host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm along with her charismatic personality and flair for style – making her a perfect fit for Canada’s top source for the latest in home decor, food, entertaining, fashion, health and beauty.
Cityline engages, entertains and informs viewers across Canada with its unique format and daily themed approach. As familiar and trusted guest experts visit the set, viewers are treated to professional tips covering such topics as décor, entertaining, fashion, beauty, home and gardening.
For full articles, recipes, blogs and more, visit You'll find more videos, features, blogs, recipes and tips on all the subjects you love: From Food & Entertaining and Home & Garden, to Health & Family and Fashion & Beauty.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Cityline. You can also follow Tracy @thetracymoore.
Cityline is the longest running and most successful daytime show for women in Canadian history. Host Tracy Moore brings her energy and enthusiasm along with her charismatic personality and flair for style – making her a perfect fit for Canada’s top source for the latest in home decor, food, entertaining, fashion, health and beauty.
Cityline engages, entertains and informs viewers across Canada with its unique format and daily themed approach. As familiar and trusted guest experts visit the set, viewers are treated to professional tips covering such topics as décor, entertaining, fashion, beauty, home and gardening.
For full articles, recipes, blogs and more, visit You'll find more videos, features, blogs, recipes and tips on all the subjects you love: From Food & Entertaining and Home & Garden, to Health & Family and Fashion & Beauty.
Be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @Cityline. You can also follow Tracy @thetracymoore.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
An updated version of the classic television game show, hosted by Emmy Award-winner Wayne Brady, where audience members try to win cash and prizes by making wacky deals.
An updated version of the classic television game show, hosted by Emmy Award-winner Wayne Brady, where audience members try to win cash and prizes by making wacky deals.
Murder, mob wars, and mansions? It's all in a day's work for the residents of Port Charles, New York. With such notable characters as Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan, there's never a dull moment - especially when you add to the mix their long-time revolving love affairs with the ladies of the not-so-sleepy upstate hamlet. Guess it's true: bad boys truly are irresistible, huh? The unpredictable and sensational underworld of Port Charles is balanced with dysfunctional family dynamics. From the not-so-law-abiding Corinthos family, to the quarreling (but lovable) Quartermaines, to the historic Spencer clan (yes, those Spencer’s!), family drama remains the focal point of this town.
Murder, mob wars, and mansions? It's all in a day's work for the residents of Port Charles, New York. With such notable characters as Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan, there's never a dull moment - especially when you add to the mix their long-time revolving love affairs with the ladies of the not-so-sleepy upstate hamlet. Guess it's true: bad boys truly are irresistible, huh? The unpredictable and sensational underworld of Port Charles is balanced with dysfunctional family dynamics. From the not-so-law-abiding Corinthos family, to the quarreling (but lovable) Quartermaines, to the historic Spencer clan (yes, those Spencer’s!), family drama remains the focal point of this town.
After paying $3K for the ring of her dreams, a bride-to-be discovers that the band does not fit. The online ring-seller claims he received the jewelry as collateral.
After paying $3K for the ring of her dreams, a bride-to-be discovers that the band does not fit. The online ring-seller claims he received the jewelry as collateral.
Multi-talented, Grammy® Award-winning artist Kelly Clarkson brings her singular voice and infectious enthusiasm to daytime television as the host of her own talk show. In each episode, the down-to-earth superstar delivers a funny, heartfelt and entertaining hour of celebrity guests, musical performances, fascinating stories, spontaneous surprises and so much more.
Multi-talented, Grammy® Award-winning artist Kelly Clarkson brings her singular voice and infectious enthusiasm to daytime television as the host of her own talk show. In each episode, the down-to-earth superstar delivers a funny, heartfelt and entertaining hour of celebrity guests, musical performances, fascinating stories, spontaneous surprises and so much more.
Courtroom Comedy. Real-life people with real-life conflicts will present their case in his courtroom, ranging from family disputes, unpaid bets, sour friendships, and everything in between.
Courtroom Comedy. Real-life people with real-life conflicts will present their case in his courtroom, ranging from family disputes, unpaid bets, sour friendships, and everything in between.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Back for another bite out of the Big Apple, this flourishing group of friends are joined by two elite new faces. But things can change in a New York minute when rumors start spreading among the ladies and only time will tell if longstanding loyalties are strong enough to weather the storm as secrets shake things up.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
"The Jennifer Hudson Show" will feature celebrity interviews, topical stories, community heroes, viral sensations, and music. Hudson will use her powerful voice in a new way, bringing fun, uplifting conversations to the forefront, shining a light on extraordinary stories, talents, and passions. "The Jennifer Hudson Show" will be a destination to laugh, learn, and feel inspired.
"The Jennifer Hudson Show" will feature celebrity interviews, topical stories, community heroes, viral sensations, and music. Hudson will use her powerful voice in a new way, bringing fun, uplifting conversations to the forefront, shining a light on extraordinary stories, talents, and passions. "The Jennifer Hudson Show" will be a destination to laugh, learn, and feel inspired.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
After paying $3K for the ring of her dreams, a bride-to-be discovers that the band does not fit. The online ring-seller claims he received the jewelry as collateral.
After paying $3K for the ring of her dreams, a bride-to-be discovers that the band does not fit. The online ring-seller claims he received the jewelry as collateral.
An updated version of the classic television game show, hosted by Emmy Award-winner Wayne Brady, where audience members try to win cash and prizes by making wacky deals.
An updated version of the classic television game show, hosted by Emmy Award-winner Wayne Brady, where audience members try to win cash and prizes by making wacky deals.
Murder, mob wars, and mansions? It's all in a day's work for the residents of Port Charles, New York. With such notable characters as Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan, there's never a dull moment - especially when you add to the mix their long-time revolving love affairs with the ladies of the not-so-sleepy upstate hamlet. Guess it's true: bad boys truly are irresistible, huh? The unpredictable and sensational underworld of Port Charles is balanced with dysfunctional family dynamics. From the not-so-law-abiding Corinthos family, to the quarreling (but lovable) Quartermaines, to the historic Spencer clan (yes, those Spencer’s!), family drama remains the focal point of this town.
Murder, mob wars, and mansions? It's all in a day's work for the residents of Port Charles, New York. With such notable characters as Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan, there's never a dull moment - especially when you add to the mix their long-time revolving love affairs with the ladies of the not-so-sleepy upstate hamlet. Guess it's true: bad boys truly are irresistible, huh? The unpredictable and sensational underworld of Port Charles is balanced with dysfunctional family dynamics. From the not-so-law-abiding Corinthos family, to the quarreling (but lovable) Quartermaines, to the historic Spencer clan (yes, those Spencer’s!), family drama remains the focal point of this town.
A young mother of four claims her $7,000 tummy tuck was a gift from a parent and was never designed to be a loan. Her unemployed mother, tells a different story.
A young mother of four claims her $7,000 tummy tuck was a gift from a parent and was never designed to be a loan. Her unemployed mother, tells a different story.
An estate sale featuring Hollywood collectibles is at the center of a dispute between fans of niche genre films. A buyer is accused of reneging on a verbal contract.
An estate sale featuring Hollywood collectibles is at the center of a dispute between fans of niche genre films. A buyer is accused of reneging on a verbal contract.
Multi-talented, Grammy® Award-winning artist Kelly Clarkson brings her singular voice and infectious enthusiasm to daytime television as the host of her own talk show. In each episode, the down-to-earth superstar delivers a funny, heartfelt and entertaining hour of celebrity guests, musical performances, fascinating stories, spontaneous surprises and so much more.
Multi-talented, Grammy® Award-winning artist Kelly Clarkson brings her singular voice and infectious enthusiasm to daytime television as the host of her own talk show. In each episode, the down-to-earth superstar delivers a funny, heartfelt and entertaining hour of celebrity guests, musical performances, fascinating stories, spontaneous surprises and so much more.
Courtroom Comedy. Real-life people with real-life conflicts will present their case in his courtroom, ranging from family disputes, unpaid bets, sour friendships, and everything in between.
Courtroom Comedy. Real-life people with real-life conflicts will present their case in his courtroom, ranging from family disputes, unpaid bets, sour friendships, and everything in between.
Courtroom Comedy. Real-life people with real-life conflicts will present their case in his courtroom, ranging from family disputes, unpaid bets, sour friendships, and everything in between.
Courtroom Comedy. Real-life people with real-life conflicts will present their case in his courtroom, ranging from family disputes, unpaid bets, sour friendships, and everything in between.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
This season, the Jokers' side-splitting antics are taken to staggering new heights, from a pizza shop mishap with Brooke Shields and an unforgettable dance party hosted by 'NSYNC's Joey Fatone to an NCAA March Madness takeover that goes wrong. The new episodes will also feature celebrity guest appearances from comedians Roy Wood Jr., Richard Kind, Jo DeRosa, AEW's John Silver, and more.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
"The Jennifer Hudson Show" will feature celebrity interviews, topical stories, community heroes, viral sensations, and music. Hudson will use her powerful voice in a new way, bringing fun, uplifting conversations to the forefront, shining a light on extraordinary stories, talents, and passions. "The Jennifer Hudson Show" will be a destination to laugh, learn, and feel inspired.
"The Jennifer Hudson Show" will feature celebrity interviews, topical stories, community heroes, viral sensations, and music. Hudson will use her powerful voice in a new way, bringing fun, uplifting conversations to the forefront, shining a light on extraordinary stories, talents, and passions. "The Jennifer Hudson Show" will be a destination to laugh, learn, and feel inspired.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
A young mother of four claims her $7,000 tummy tuck was a gift from a parent and was never designed to be a loan. Her unemployed mother, tells a different story.
A young mother of four claims her $7,000 tummy tuck was a gift from a parent and was never designed to be a loan. Her unemployed mother, tells a different story.
An estate sale featuring Hollywood collectibles is at the center of a dispute between fans of niche genre films. A buyer is accused of reneging on a verbal contract.
An estate sale featuring Hollywood collectibles is at the center of a dispute between fans of niche genre films. A buyer is accused of reneging on a verbal contract.
An updated version of the classic television game show, hosted by Emmy Award-winner Wayne Brady, where audience members try to win cash and prizes by making wacky deals.
An updated version of the classic television game show, hosted by Emmy Award-winner Wayne Brady, where audience members try to win cash and prizes by making wacky deals.
Murder, mob wars, and mansions? It's all in a day's work for the residents of Port Charles, New York. With such notable characters as Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan, there's never a dull moment - especially when you add to the mix their long-time revolving love affairs with the ladies of the not-so-sleepy upstate hamlet. Guess it's true: bad boys truly are irresistible, huh? The unpredictable and sensational underworld of Port Charles is balanced with dysfunctional family dynamics. From the not-so-law-abiding Corinthos family, to the quarreling (but lovable) Quartermaines, to the historic Spencer clan (yes, those Spencer’s!), family drama remains the focal point of this town.
Murder, mob wars, and mansions? It's all in a day's work for the residents of Port Charles, New York. With such notable characters as Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan, there's never a dull moment - especially when you add to the mix their long-time revolving love affairs with the ladies of the not-so-sleepy upstate hamlet. Guess it's true: bad boys truly are irresistible, huh? The unpredictable and sensational underworld of Port Charles is balanced with dysfunctional family dynamics. From the not-so-law-abiding Corinthos family, to the quarreling (but lovable) Quartermaines, to the historic Spencer clan (yes, those Spencer’s!), family drama remains the focal point of this town.
A 17th birthday party is cut short. The girl and her friends are kicked out of their beach rental. The owner claims the mother ignored strict regulations.
A 17th birthday party is cut short. The girl and her friends are kicked out of their beach rental. The owner claims the mother ignored strict regulations.
Unwed parents fight over braces and travel expenses for their 11-year-old daughter. The father is accused of making nasty comments about the young girl's teeth.
Unwed parents fight over braces and travel expenses for their 11-year-old daughter. The father is accused of making nasty comments about the young girl's teeth.
Multi-talented, Grammy® Award-winning artist Kelly Clarkson brings her singular voice and infectious enthusiasm to daytime television as the host of her own talk show. In each episode, the down-to-earth superstar delivers a funny, heartfelt and entertaining hour of celebrity guests, musical performances, fascinating stories, spontaneous surprises and so much more.
Multi-talented, Grammy® Award-winning artist Kelly Clarkson brings her singular voice and infectious enthusiasm to daytime television as the host of her own talk show. In each episode, the down-to-earth superstar delivers a funny, heartfelt and entertaining hour of celebrity guests, musical performances, fascinating stories, spontaneous surprises and so much more.
Going for the gold! World-class judges Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel and beloved host Terry Crews are back with an all-new season of awe-inspiring talent and jaw-dropping, Golden Buzzer-worthy moments. This season the judges will now have TWO golden buzzers each so, including Terry’s, 9 acts will go directly to the live shows.
Going for the gold! World-class judges Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Heidi Klum and Howie Mandel and beloved host Terry Crews are back with an all-new season of awe-inspiring talent and jaw-dropping, Golden Buzzer-worthy moments. This season the judges will now have TWO golden buzzers each so, including Terry’s, 9 acts will go directly to the live shows.
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
Detective Charlie Hudson (John Reardon), a cunning Major Crimes detective for the St. John’s Police Department, teams up with an unusual partner – Rex (Diesel vom Burgimwald), a former-K9 German Shepherd, whose heightened senses keep Charlie hot on the trail of his suspects. With Charlie’s deft detective work and Rex’s keen canine senses, this crime-fighting pair is unstoppable.
Hudson & Rex is a lighthearted police procedural starring John Reardon (Van Helsing), Mayko Nguyen (Killjoys), Kevin Hanchard (Orphan Black), and Justin Kelly (Wynonna Earp).
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
The Award-winning late-night talk show well known for its huge viral video successes. The show features a diverse lineup of guests that includes celebrities, athletes, musical acts, comedians and human-interest subjects, along with comedy bits and a house band.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
In the aftermath of last season’s turbulent ending, the women find themselves attempting to navigate their fractured friend group. When Dorit enlists a spiritual guru to help them find their way back, the ladies confront their issues head on and begin to mend hurt feelings.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
Join us for a season jam packed with never-before-seen twists, jaw-dropping turns, juicy drama and delicious romance, exclusively on Citytv!
Everybody deserves a second shot at love and the brave and brokenhearted fan faves from The Bachelor universe (Canada, U.S....and maybe even abroad) are ready to go another round. They are following their hearts to an all-new Paradise for a quintessentially Canadian summer of love. Follow former bachelors and bachelorettes as they explore new relationships in their secluded love-nest on the lake where their only job is to soak up the summer sun, cozy up by the bonfire, frolic in the water, take long romantic canoe rides under the vast Canadian star-filled sky...and fall in love.
In part two of the reunion, Braunwyn struggles to come to terms with her past behavior involving Shannon´s daughter. Gina shares an update on her relationship with Travis.
In part two of the reunion, Braunwyn struggles to come to terms with her past behavior involving Shannon´s daughter. Gina shares an update on her relationship with Travis.